Keep Kids Safe
Create a safe and positive environment for youth every day after school until 5:30 pm. The afterschool program is led by caring adult role models who provide a positive and safe environment in which youth excel academically and socially. It is critical that youth receive supervision during after school hours as this is the peak time for youth to engage in risky behaviors and juvenile crime.
- Total Youth Enrolled: 625
- Youth Duplicate Attendance: 49,029
- Youth in Attendance 30+ Days: 544
- Average Daily Attendance: 337
Help Youth Grow Academically, Socially and Emotionally
Inspire and expand learning opportunities for students through academic and enrichment activities each day after school. Academics focuses on core content of Literacy, Math and Science. Enrichment focuses include STEM, Arts and Culture, Healthy Living, College and Career Readiness, and Character Education. The below data is based on annual student self-reported surveys when asked about how has their participation in the program impacted them:
- 91% Work harder to be a good student
- 85% Improved relationships
- 93% Think it’s important to graduate High School
- 88% Believe being healthy is important
- 75% Interested in learning more about STEM
- 85% Improved Behavior