Address systemic gaps in workforce, health and wellness care, mental health services, and data.
Implement workforce training programs and a peer support specialist program to help meet service needs and provide employment opportunities.
Progress: Convening local peer support coalition to support their needs and receive feedback for program expansion. Program expansion ready for implementation once funding source is determined. Federal appropriation submitted through Congressman Curtis's office for pilot program. Additional applications for federal funding are being drafted. Also, Salt Lake County-supported legislation passed 2024 session to assist with workforce needs.
Health and Wellness Care:
Expand medical and street services for those who are unsheltered.
Progress: Program is developed and ready for expansion through 4th Street Clinic and VOA once funding source is determined.
Mental Health Services:
Expand mental health supports in the jail and in expanded SMI housing.
Progress: Need currently being evaluated and finalized within the Jail Expansion/JAC design model.
Integrated Data System:
Develop data-sharing agreements and design and implement an integrated data system to support better client outcomes.
Progress: Work group has been established and data integration mapping both internal and external to Salt Lake County is underway.