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Resources for Teens

Discover resources and opportunities to help teens stay connected and live healthy and happy lives.

Seasonal Programs

Join us for our annual teen health and advocacy programs! These programs are free for youth in Salt Lake County to participate in and will provide youth with opportunities to learn and grow along with their peers. These programs are seasonal, so information will be updated whenever possible.

Salt Lake County Health Department

A building with a sign in front.

Our mission at the Salt Lake County Health Department is to promote and protect the health of our community and environment. We work tirelessly every day to prevent illness, injury, and disease while addressing social, economic, and environmental factors that impact overall health. Our efforts include immunizing children, inspecting restaurants, preventing tobacco access to minors, encouraging physical activity and proper nutrition, protecting our water and air, providing culturally appropriate services, and collaborating with our community partners to ensure public health works for all residents of Salt Lake County, regardless of where they live.