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Debt Review

The purpose of the Debt Review Committee (DRC) is to review all debt proposals which anticipate that repayment will occur beyond one fiscal year, and to make recommendations regarding the proposed debt to the County Mayor and the County Council prior to the debt obligation being incurred. The Committee may also review operating revenue and expenditure projections, as well as other financial information deemed necessary in evaluating debt proposals for capital projects. 

Please send your agenda items to the committee chair.

Regular meetings of the Debt Review Committee are generally held on the last Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm in the Council conference room.  Additional meetings will be scheduled as needed.


Meeting Information

To determine if meetings will be available on-line, please contact the DRC chair.

Debt Review Committee Meeting

Council Meeting Room N2-800

(385) 468-7200

August 28, 2024 2:00 PM

Members, Rotation, Fees & Forms

Membership Definition per Ordinance:

The committee shall be composed of seven members consisting of the mayor or mayor's designee, the mayor's chief financial officer, two individuals from the council office chosen by the council, the county auditor or designee, the county treasurer or designee, the district attorney or designee. 

Ralph Chamness, Chair

District Attorney's Office

Phone Number (385) 468-7755

Chris Harding, Member

Auditor's Office

Phone Number (385) 468-7185

David Delquadro, Member

County Council

Phone Number (385) 468-7461

Hoa H. Hguyen, Member

County Council

Phone Number (385) 468-7462

Darrin Casper, Member

Mayor's Office

Phone Number (385) 468-7075

Greg Folta, Member

Mayor's Office

Phone Number (385) 468-7076

Wayne Cushing, Member

Treasurer's Office

Phone Number (385) 468-8305

The chair of the committee shall be rotated annually among the members representing the county auditor, district attorney and county treasurer. The county’s financial advisor shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the committee. (Ord. 1527 § 1 (part), 2004) The list below shows the proposed rotation schedule for this and the next few years.

  • 2023 Auditor
  • 2024 District Attorney
  • 2025 Treasurer
  • 2026 Auditor

It is the policy of the County to charge an application fee to defray some or all of actual costs incurred in conjunction with the conduit-type financing. Since the County is not required by law or policy to authorize such financings, and since such bond issues can consume a great deal of time which would otherwise be allocated to County programs and services paid primarily by County tax-paying citizens, the County has determined it is appropriate for those seeking to benefit from issuance of tax-exempt financing with Salt Lake County as the issuer to be responsible for an appropriate fee to defray certain relevant costs. For fee amount information, please see the DRC ordinance section 2.97.070, "Fees imposed."