Lobbyist Disclosure Ordinance
Chapter 2.73, entitled "Lobbyist Disclosure," of the Salt Lake County Code of Ordinances, requires individuals who are employed by a principal or who contract for economic consideration with a principal to lobby a county officer or the council, to obtain a lobbying license from the Salt Lake County Clerk.
County lobbyists are required to complete a "Salt Lake County Lobbyist License Form" and pay a $25.00 fee. A license filed with the county clerk entitles the lobbyist to serve on behalf of one or more principals and expires on December 31st of each even-numbered year. Failure to comply can result in a Class B misdemeanor and the county clerk can suspend the lobbyist's license for up to five years.
Forms are available in Adobe Acrobat Format. In order to view these files, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader.