Utah Mortgage Assistance Available for Those Impacted by Covid-Related Incidents
SALT LAKE COUNTY - The Community Development Corporation has partnered with the State of Utah Department of Workforce Services to provide mortgage assistance to households who have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The program can provide aid for housing-related costs such as mortgage and property charges, taxes, insurance premiums, condominium fees, planned unit development fees, HOA fees, and other assessments that may be required by local or state law.
Funds may be used to bring accounts fully current, with no remaining delinquent amounts, and to repay amounts advanced by the lender or servicer on the borrower’s behalf for property charges.
The current UHAF application period ends November 7, 2022 and will be only be eligible for Households that have incomes equal to, or less than, 100% of the county area median income (AMI) in which the household resides or 100% of AMI for the United States, whichever is greater. Households with income exceeding this will be denied on the current application period unless they are facing immediate foreclosure.
To apply or learn more, visit the website https://homeownersassistance.utah.gov.
If you have questions, please contact us at homeownersassistance@utah.gov or call 1-888-755-0102.