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Property Watch

Property Watch is offered to Salt Lake County residents FREE of charge. Signing up for Property Watch will enable you to keep track of recorded changes to your property. The Recorder's Office will send you an email alerting you to any new recorded documents. Your contact information will be protected and will only be used for Property Watch notifications.

“The power of Property Watch is that you’re able to stay notified. It’s an empowering and useful service to help protect ownership.” -Recorder Rashelle Hobbs

Property Watch Resources

Property Watch FAQ

Property fraud is when someone illegally uses your property for financial gain.

Your Salt Lake County Recorder's Office has created a notification service called Property Watch. It is completely free to sign up. You will be notified by email of any recording activity on your property. You can decide if the activity is expected or suspicious and take action if necessary.

The email will come from and will include the Parcel Number, the recorded Entry Number, the Document Type and the Recorded Date.

Contact Property Watch