Property & House History
The Salt Lake County Archives maintains historical records documenting residential and commercial buildings, including photographs, and property history. Some of the records include:
- Photographs
- Taxes
- Building Permits
- Maps
The Salt Lake County Archives maintains historical records documenting residential and commercial buildings, including photographs, and property history. Some of the records include:
These cards document assessed values on commercial and residential properties located in Salt Lake County between the years 1934 to 1980. Traditionally, the collection represents appraisal dates for 1936, 1957, 1964 and 1980.
Researchers must have a property address. These records cannot be searched by name.
The 1930s assessments document ownership, address, location, kind of building, street number, class, base factor, stories, additions, sq. feet, actual factor totals, rooms, deductions, year built, depreciation, garage, appraisal date, and footprint drawings. In some cases fuel tanks, sewage tanks and gas pumps are noted. The 1957 cards document similar notations including insulation and air conditioning. The cards for 1957 and 1980 detail supplementary appraisals, usually noted in colored pencil.
These are currently being digitized and uploaded to our website. We are currently 2/3 of the way through this large series. Check regularly as more are uploaded each week
Arrangement: Tax Appraisal Cards are arranged by tax serial number (tax number used prior to 1984). The photographs are arranged by tax parcel number (current tax number). Appraisal cards and appraisal photographs are physically stored separately for preservation reasons.
Tax Ledgers record the total taxes paid on a property, and also land and property tax values.
1853 - 2021: (1853-1870 now online!)
The Archives maintains these records. Please see this Record Series Information Leaflet: Introduction to County Tax Records.
For 2000 to the present, you can also contact:
Land Title Certificates for last names starting with "R" are now searchable and viewable online. Additional records are being digitized and uploaded weekly.
For records that have not yet been uploaded, please check the name index available below, alphabetical by last name. Once a name has been located, call the Archives at 385-468-0820 to view/copy the record.
These volumes record the procedure by which occupants of land in Salt Lake City could obtain title to their land which was classified as part of the public domain. The procedure was established under the Federal Townsite Act of 1867 and amended for Salt Lake City's larger land base in 1870.
Note: There are missing grids. The Archives does not have a complete set of aerial photographs for any of the above years.
USDA, Farm Services, Aerial Photography Field Office
Phone Number (801) 844-2922
Mailing Address 2222 West 2300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
Salt Lake County Surveyor's Office
Phone Number (801) 468-2013
Mailing Address 2001 South State Street , Ste N-1400
Salt Lake City, Utah
Prior to building permits, building permit application cards were issued. They contain the architect or designer and contractor's names, estimated project cost, legal description of the property, and description of the building or project. These cards are filed by original owner's last name, and year that permit was issued.
These permits are issued as official building authorization of a variety of actions: construction, demolition, the installation of plumbing, electrical or mechanical equipment and the placement of barricades. They contain inspection request, certificates of occupancy and any pertinent information relating to the project. They may also contain water sources, sewer system, flood plain, and tank certificates. Accessible by address.
Please note: If the building was constructed in an incorporated city, contact that city's planning or building permit office.