Affordable Housing RFA
The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute estimates that there is a deficit of nearly 35,000 rental units in Salt Lake County for those making less than $30,000 annually or those who are at 30% or below Area Median Income. That number increases to nearly 46,000 units for those at 40% or below Area Median Income in the County.
To address this staggering deficit, Housing and Community Development (HCD) is prioritizing the development of rental units for those at 30% or below Area Median Income with a prioritization of permanent supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness.
As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, the County received $78 million in federal emergency rental assistance funds to help individuals pay their rent and utilities during the pandemic under the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERA 2) established by section 3201 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021). The initial Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) launched in March 2021 and served over 42,000 families and distributed approximately $173 million in rental assistance. With the remaining $3.6 million dollars of ERAP funds, Salt Lake County continues supporting housing stability by assisting residents facing eviction and through the construction and/or preservation of affordable rental housing projects.
In addition, HCD was awarded approximately $6.2 million in HOME ARP (American Rescue Plan) funding. The Grant Allocation Plan prepared by HCD describes the specific uses of these funds, which include means to address homelessness, rental assistance, case management and non-congregate shelter. As indicated in the Plan, there is approximately $1.1 million to be used for the development of affordable rental housing in the County.
This RFA includes both the ERAP and HOME ARP funds totaling approximately $4.7 million for the development of affordable housing.
The funding available through this RFA will provide short-term financing for housing developments in Salt Lake County with a priority for projects that provide units designated for those who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Projects must make HOME-ARP dedicated units available to the Qualified Populations (QP’s) that HCD identified in its The Grant Allocation Plan. It is anticipated that 1-2 projects will be awarded using these funds.