Apply to become a CO-OP Partner
Please read below to find out more about how your organization can become a CO-OP Partner.
Applications are due July 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM MST. No late applications will be accepted.
The Salt Lake Center of Opportunity Partnerships (CO-OP) is the County’s Small Business Assistance program aimed at increasing the sustainability, capacity, and readiness of Opportunity Businesses throughout our communities. Through partnerships with Businesses Outreach Partners, Community‐Based Organizations (CBOs) which conduct business outreach and navigation, and Business Service Partners, which deliver vetted services and other vital resources, the CO‐ OP ecosystem functions to improve the success and resiliency of Opportunity Businesses.
Business Outreach Partners are selected through a competitive process. Outreach Partners are provided with funding and contracted to provide a dedicated Navigator to fulfill the CO-OP objectives. Navigators conduct outreach to Opportunity Businesses, refer the businesses to approved Service Partners to receive vital services and resources provided at low or no cost to the business. Outreach Partners are Community‐Based Organizations (CBOs), such as chambers of commerce, that have a connection to Opportunity Businesses throughout the County.
Business Service Partners are selected through a competitive process. Service Partners work closely with Outreach Partners and Navigators to understand the needs of Opportunity Businesses and successfully provide appropriate assistance by delivering approved services and resources to businesses that have been properly referred. They are provided with funding for the completion of these services which may include bookkeeping, websites, strategic planning, and more.
Administratively Approved Business Service Partners are selected through an administrative approval process and are not provided funding through the CO-OP program. They work closely with Outreach Partners and Navigators to understand the needs of Opportunity Businesses and successfully provide appropriate assistance by delivering approved services and resources to businesses that have been properly referred.