If you have any questions, please contact the Permit Specialist.
- Countywide Policy and Procedure #1012 requires that the sponsor of any organized race, run, walk, bicycle race, block or neighborhood party, parade, carnival or similar activity occurring, whole or in part, on any unincorporated Salt Lake County public roadway or property must request permission of the County, through submission of this form to the Engineering Division's Permit Specialist:
- Block parties will submit paperwork with the signatures of affected neighbors' concurrence to the road-closure.
- Block and neighborhood parties, parades of less than one mile, and school activities held in the immediate area of the school are excepted from the insurance requirements set forth in Section 14.56.100 of the ordinance.
- Salt Lake County reserves the right to deny permit applications for proposed special events which pose a significant danger or threat to the public health, welfare or safety, or which may result in unreasonable inconvenience or cost to the public.
- A violation of Section 14.56.040 shall be Class B Misdemeanor. Failure to obtain a permit as required by this chapter may also result in enforcement action by the County Sheriff's Office which, in its discretion, may stop an event which has not been issued a permit and/or may issue citations where event staff or participants violate other state statutes or county ordinances, including but not limited to traffic rules and regulations, disturbing the peace, public nuisance, failure to disperse, trespass, or other health and safety regulations.
- Any request for events on public roadways, except as covered by (III) above, or sponsored by a County agency must obtain a certificate of insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming Salt Lake County as an additional insured as indicated in Section 14.56.100 of the ordinance.